YES Hub Boot camp 2021

The YES Hub (Youth Sustainability Hub) Boot Camp 2021 was held for two days virtually on 13th and 14th November 2021. The YES Hub was organised in collaboration with Venture Frontier Lanka (VFL), Resilience RTC and Field Ready USA.

Around 40 participants across the island completed the boot camp. A 13 innovative entrepreneurial ideas were pitched and six of them were selected for the final round of presentations. Three winners were announced who were judged by an international panel of judges.

Dr. Aslam Saja, Dr. Novil Wijesekara and Mr. Prahbook Bandarathillake who are the team members of the Alumni Engagement Innovation Fund 2019 grant winners have delivered key messages and way forward for YES Hub activities.

Mr. Heminda Jayaweera and Mr. Hasanka Paddukka from VFL who are also US Exchange Alumni, lead the two days workshop with the moderation of boot camp organising team members.

The final phase of the program of YES Hub will be held in December 2021 in five provinces. This half day symposium and makers space day will provide more opportunities for the youth who are potential future entrepreneurs and link them with the industries and organizations.