Saja speaks to iVoice on the problem of waste collection in Kalmunai Muncipality

My name is Aslam Saja, I’m a lecturer at the South Eastern University of Sri Lanka in Oluvil. But I also involved in this project on developing a mobile application for proposed solid waste collection. As you know there is a war on waste around the world and Sri Lanka has no exception we also have the same problem and the same problem exists everywhere and in the Kalmunai municipality there is a huge problem of waste management now if you look at the problems at the household level we have a problem of segregation and also when people segregate all the people don’t segregate there is a problem of proper collection of waste and then disposal so when it comes to the collection of waste due to the large population in the municipality which is over 100 thousand there is  limited resources at the municipal council for proper waste collection. there is not enough resources there are only 15 vehicle to collect the huge beasts that are being accumulated every day so we need to find a solution and it should be an innovative solution and so this project aims to develop mobile application where the public can get an alert when there is a waste collection vehicle coming close in proximity to their location so a group of youth that came up with this idea and so they have decided to develop a mobile application where when the truck moves and it comes within the radius of 200 metres people get an alert so that they know they know there is an vehicle so that we can dispose the waste at the household so if why this is an important and innovative project because people dispose the waste in public places that harm the health conditions of the population and this area is very highly congested so people throw on the road because they don’t know when the vehicle will come so they can’t also keep their waste at the household because there is no space so they throw on the road or they have to wait on the road until the vehicle comes but that is not possible because people have to go for employment they can’t wait because when they’re in the office vehicle comes so there is no one to dispose the waste and to put it in the garbage wake up so I think this is a very innovative solution and the idea has come up from the youth which is a driving force behind this initiative so I believe this will bring at least the initial solution to the problem.

Interview excerpts from iVoice