
Saja attended the Climate Action Champions Network Conference in Kathmandu

20 Sri Lankan climate champions attended the Climate Action Champions Network Conference in Kathmandu! The conference, organized by U.S. Department of State and Observer Research Foundation, brought together like-minded climate champions from Sri Lanka, Nepal, Bangladesh, India, and Bhutan to collaborate on solutions to pressing climate issues. Our Champions come from a variety of...

Saja joined as the Master Trainer for 10 Billion Strong

10 Billion Strong – Six trainers from our recent Master Trainer Institute in #Indonesia! These leaders from #SriLanka and #Vietnam work to educate and train the next generation of #EnvironmentalLeaders across #Asia. We’re thrilled to be working with Saja Aslam Majeed, Jolly Nguyen, Pham Hang Tran, Trang Hong VU, Trang Tran, and Tran Dieu Anh in the future!

Saja participated in discussion with Fisheries society organised by DMC

Dr. Saja participated in a technical stakeholder coordination meeting to strengthen early warning for fisheries community in the south eastern coast of Sri Lanka. The meeting was held at the Divisional Secretariate Office Akkaraipattu orgnaised by Disaster Management Centre, Ampara. The Major General Rtd. Sudantha Ranasinghe, Director of Disaster Management Center graced the occasion...

Certificate course for Faith Leaders on Resilience

A four day Certificate Course for Religious Leaders or Faith leaders was conducted by RESILIENCE – RESEARCH, TRAINING AND CONSULTING; FOUNDATION & ACADEMY on November 19-22 December 2021 under the CORRECT-19 Project supported by US Embassy. This course aimed to provide an understanding of the best practices of religious leaders in promoting the community...

Celebrating 10 years of community impact

Applause to our Community Solutions Program program alumni Aslam Saja, who continues to change the lives of hundreds of Sri Lankan youth involved in peace building, entrepreneurship, climate change & much more through mentoring. #CSPturns10Apply for the program here: http://bit.ly/csp2022apply


Vasantham – Interview on disaster resilience

Vasantham – Interview on disaster resilience #2

