Saja published in IRDR 10 years report Chapter 2. IRDR Research Objectives and IRDR in actions published by IRDR 2021 consists an article submitted by Saja. The Integrated Research on Disaster Risk 2021 International Conference ADVANCING RISK SCIENCE FOR DEVELOPMENT SAFETY10 YEARS OF IRDRBUILDING A NEW RISK RESEARCH AGENDA FOR 2030 AND BEYOND Main conference on 8-10 June 2021 and...

Environmental and Human Mobility Aspects of the MV Express Pearl Vessel Destruction in the Indian Ocean by IOM

For the first time, IOM Sri Lanka presented a webinar today in Tamil on ‘Environmental and Human Mobility Aspects of the MV Express Pearl Vessel Destruction in the Indian Ocean’, commemorating the World Ocean Day 2021 by involving Dr. K. Arulananthan from NARA and Dr. A.M. Aslam Saja from South Eastern University, Sri Lanka. Moderated...

SDG 12: ‘RESPONSIBLE CONSUMPTION AND PRODUCTION’ – ENGINEERS ARE IN THE FOREFRONT OF DEVELOPING SOLUTIONS BY ENG. (DR.) SAJA A. A. MAJEED Sustainable Consumption and Production (SCP) cuts across many sectors such as air, water and sanitation, energy and waste. It has a closer link to many sectors related to economy including food, transport, tourism, construction and health. An economic growth of a nation or a community should...

RedR Lanka Annual General Meeting of RedR Lanka 2013

The Annual General Meeting of RedR Lanka was held in Paradise Beach Hotel-Negombo on 2nd and 3rd of August 2013. Board of Directors, Associate Trainers and. RedR members and the staff participated the meeting. The purpose of the AGM was to discuss about the 2012/2013 progress of RedR Lanka and to discover the potentials...

Saja presented in humanitarian and disaster management seminar

RedR Lanka in collaboration with Disaster Management Center (DMC) organized a half a day open seminar for the individuals who are interested in joining the humanitarian sector, especially focusing on disaster relief work on 14 March 2014. Along with RedR UK, RedR Aus, and RedR India presented in the seminar on the RedR contribution...

RedR International Annual General Meeting 2014

RedR Lanka hosted RedR International Annual General Meeting 2014 in Colombo. Saja participated as one of the Board Members of RedR Lanka and a founding member of RedR Lanka. RedR Lanka also organized an informal dinner for the RedR Federation delegate, Government Officials in the field of disaster management to the INGO and IGO...


Vasantham – Interview on disaster resilience

Vasantham – Interview on disaster resilience #2

