Dr. Saja participated in the two weeks program titled “Tackling Climate Change as an Underlying Disaster Risk Driver” initiative under the Climate Change Adaptation – Disaster Risk Reduction (CCA-DRR) project with multi-disciplinary team of academics from Sri Lankan Universities and University of Huddersfield, UK. The team developed a research road map in CCA-DRR for...
Saja joined in a global platform on climate change among the 20 Global #commonwealth Futures Climate Research Cohort 2023/24. 20 early career researchers (ECRs), from ten priority countries (Bangladesh, Egypt, Ghana, India, Kenya, Malaysia, Nigeria, Pakistan, South Africa, Sri Lanka), have embarked on a one-year applied training and development programme. https://www.acu.ac.uk/news/second-climate-research-cohort/ I will be working in...
Saja attended the second convening of Climate Action Champions Network (CACN), New Delhi. The full cohort of the CACN Network of 5 countries, Bangladesh, India, Nepal, Bhutan & Sri Lanka, at the opening event. Observer Research Foundation Gen Lab Sri Lanka Development Journalist Forum #cacn US Embassy promotes climate action champions across South Asia...