Saja participates in Regional WASH Humanitarian Coordination Platform (SA & EAP) in Thailand

The inaugural meeting of the South Asia – East Asia Pacific (SA/EAP) Regional WASH Humanitarian Coordination Platform was held in Bangkok on December 1st and 2nd, 2014, under the leadership of UNICEF in close partnership with NCA and CARE D-L as part of Regional Emergency Cluster Advisor (RECA) Project. RECA is an ECHO-funded project  with the aim of delivering emergency capacity building and preparedness support to national WASH clusters/ coordination platforms.

Saja presented Sri Lanka WASH Needs And Vulnerability Assessment (NAVA) toolkit. This was presented by Sevalanka who supported through the RECA project the Government of Sri Lanka. Recent development of 4 hazard-specific toolkits (chronic kidney disease, flood, drought, landslide) after reviewing existing agency tools, and included community consultations with district and divisional stakeholders. Also considered global tools (Sphere, GWC indicators), and can be contextualised for local conditions. The toolkit covers a range of displacement scenarios (nil, temporary displacement, camp-based displacement), and focuses on 4 key sections for WASH – water sanitation, waste management, hygiene.