Post Conflict Development – The importance of Linking Relief, Rehabilitation and Development (LRRD)

LRRD is a strategic framework within which relief aid instruments can be made to work better together to achieve continuity, coherence and cost-effectiveness.

  • Provide assistance to victims of crises in areas of conflict
  • Save and preserve life during emergencies and their immediate aftermath
  • Provide relief to people affected by longer-lasting crises
  • Carry out short-term rehabilitation and reconstruction work

The development should ensure preparedness for future natural disasters risk

  • LRRD needs close coordination and information exchange between humanitarian and development aid services from the design stage to the implementation of operations.

 Humanitarian perspective

  • LRRD reduces the risk of relief aid dependency.
  • LRRD provides the framework to phase in appropriate medium and long term development opportunities
  • LRRD helps to mainstream humanitarian concerns into development policy and planning.

Development perspective

  • LRRD restores local ownership
  • LRRD gives a higher priority to local capacity building
  • LRRD helps to restore confidence as long term development planning replaces short term emergency aid.

 Contributed by – Eng. Aslam Saja